Our Goal
Is to help you find answers. To navigate government regulations. To appreciate sustainable solutions.
Established in 2002
Shelterwood Consulting grew out of a belief that big isn't necessarily better. That quality work can be done along with imaginative solutions.
Our Team
Kim McDonald
Avid fly fishing angler. Dog wrangler. Upland game hunter. Trail runner. Distance swimmer. Reader of history. Birder. Sometime freelance writer. Lover of long road trips. Kim has been there done that. With over 30 years in the law and natural resource arenas, Kim's calm expertise will help you to your goals. Advanced degrees in forestry and law, years of working in for profit, non-profit, and governmental sectors. Kim has taken on city hall and state capitals throughout her career. Her knowledge is extensive. She has been or currently is a board member of numerous environmental and youth advocacy organizations, formed an organization to reform mining laws that directly impact endangered salmon, steelhead and Bull trout, and has been involved in many political campaigns.